The recordings of the HELP-MD Symposium are available here!
The HELP-MD Symposium’s book of abstracts is ready and downloadable here
Registration to attend the symposium can be found here. There is no cost for attendance

Congatulation to Dr. Filippo Bonini Barladi for the English translation of his book:
Roma Music and Emotion
Oxford University Press
Foreword by Steve Feld
Translation by Margaret Rigaud
You can order your copy here

In Roma Music and Emotion, author Filippo Bonini Baraldi forges a much-needed theory of music, emotion, and empathy from an anthropological perspective, addressing the failure of the prevailing psychological theories on music and emotion to account for non-western musical cultures.
Bonini Baraldi, having spent years among the Hungarian Roma of rural Transylvania, presents compelling ethnographic descriptions of their weddings, funerals, community celebrations, and intimate family gatherings. Based on extensive field research and informed by hypotheses drawn from the cognitive sciences, the anthropology of art, and aesthetics, Roma Musicand Emotion analyzes why Roma musicians cry along with music and how they arouse specific feelings in their audiences.
Translated by Margaret Rigaud and written in clear prose, Roma Music and Emotion makes an important ethnomusicological contribution to theoretical discussions of the relationship between music and emotion.

The programme of our Symposium on Music, Dance, Emotion and Healing is out!

UiO UiO RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion
Food & Paper: Connecting ethnomusicology and machine learning: Multidisciplinary analysis of Maracatu de Baque Solto (Baraldi and Davies)
This week’s Food & Paper will be given by Filippo Bonini Baraldi (Universidade Nova) and Matthew Davies (University of Coimbra) on Connecting ethnomusicology and machine learning.
Time and place: Feb. 3, 2021 12:15 PM–1:00 PM, Zoom (sign up to get the link)
Maracatu de Baque Solto is a carnival practice in rural Pernambuco in north eastern Brazil, which is characterised by alternating periods of complex dance and loud, fast-paced music with improvised poetry. Maracatu is understood to bestow a special protective function on local communities and is thus strongly tied to a sense of collective well-being. Unlike many other musics from Brazil which are well-known globally, Maracatu remains a highly localised practice and has been the subject of very little academic research. Within the context of the Portuguese nationally-funded project “HELP-MD – The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance”, we execute a strongly multidisciplinary approach to understanding the performative and aesthetic strategies within Maracatu, which links ethnomusicological field research with motion capture, audio engineering, music signal processing, and machine learning. In this presentation we seek to highlight the necessity of such a multidisciplinary approach and in turn how this can enable the observation of precise timing information which can lead to new ethnomusicological understanding of the practice of Maracatu.

Dr. Giorgio Scalici has been invited discuss Death, Afterlife, Near-Death experiences during the live stream of Angela’s Symposium. There will also be Dr. Chris Deacy, Dr. David, Dr. Jeffrey Albaugh, Dr. Jennifer Uzzell, Dr. Shanell Papp and Dr. Veenat Arora.

Giorgio Scalici (NOVA University of Lisbon) just received from Bloomsbury a contract for his monograph Pain, Play and Music: Death and Healing Rites Among the Wana.
We are looking forward for it!

Filippo Bonini Baraldi (NOVA University of Lisbon), Matthew Davies (Coimbra University), João Fonseca (U Porto), Luís Aly and Marco Jerónimo (INESC-TEC Porto), and Magdalena Fuentes (CUSP, MARL, New York University) presented their microtiming analyses starting from the multi-track audio recordings obtained during the Maracatu performance in Mouraria (Lisbon 2019) to the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (11–16 October 2020) in Ottawa (Virtual Conference)

Giorgio Scalici (NOVA University of Lisbon) took part in the Sydney Sacred Music Festival Forum “Sacred Creativity in the Postdigital Age” of the Western Sydney University (Sydney).
Recordings of the event can be found here.

Filippo Bonini Baraldi (NOVA University of Lisbon), Matthew Davies (Coimbra University), João Fonseca (U Porto), Luís Aly and Marco Jerónimo (INESC-TEC Porto), and Magdalena Fuentes (CUSP, MARL, New York University) presented a paper at the Symposium of the study group “Sound Movement and the Sciences” of the ICTM (Stockholm).
This presentation was the occasion to show some preliminary results of the Motion Capture and multi-track recordings of Maracatu music and dance.

Giorgio Scalici (NOVA University of Lisbon) took part in the Death & and Culture III conference organised by York University (York).